Graph showing a picture of forest in background and the words Environmental, We protect our nature
As a global engineering, construction, and design company that specializes in high-tech facilities, we are committed to creating a more sustainable future and reducing our environmental impact through initiatives and goals. This includes the target to become “Net Zero” by 2040, in line with the European Union’s “Net Zero” target by 2050, and the German Government’s “Net Zero” target by 2045. To achieve this, we are implementing energy-efficient designs, using renewable energy sources, and optimizing energy consumption in our client’s facilities.

As part of Exyte’s commitment to creating a better future, we are constantly finding and creating long term sustainable solutions for clients. This can be seen through strategies including using sustainable materials and incorporating renewable energy sources into the facilities we build. Exyte collaborates with clients to design products and services that are sustainable, promote resource efficiency and minimize waste.
Graph showing a picture of people seen from above in background and the words  Social, we care for people
Exyte is proud to have a diverse and inclusive workforce and recognizes that everyone deserves equal opportunities to succeed. A diverse team is a successful team. And with diversity and inclusion laying the foundation of our culture, we are creating an environment that encourages the growth and development of everyone, regardless of age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors. Exyte is also dedicated to supporting local communities through its corporate social responsibility initiatives.

We are committed to ensuring a safe and healthy workplace for all our employees through our Incident Free Workplace program. Every employee has the right to work in an environment free from harm and the right to get home safely. This involves implementing strict safety protocols, providing regular training, and conducting regular safety audits.
Graph showing a picture of a building with glass front in background and the words Governance, we manage with prudence
Exyte has a comprehensive compliance program that includes regular training for employees, monitoring of business activities, and internal controls to ensure adherence to relevant laws and regulations. This helps to prevent and detect any potential misconduct or unethical behavior.

We are also focused on promoting transparency and accountability in our operations. We publish an annual report that provides detailed information on its performance and initiatives. Exyte also has a Code of Conduct that outlines our values and principles and sets expectations for employee behavior. The code covers topics such as business integrity, conflicts of interest, and compliance with laws and regulations. In addition, Exyte has implemented a system for reporting actual or potential compliance issues.


Corporate Environmental Policy

Download our Corporate Environmental Policy

ESG Double Materiality Assessment

Download our ESG Double Materiality Assessment

ESG Program

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