Exyte 於 Maynooth 設有辦事處,自 2000 年起即在愛爾蘭佔有重要地位,提供先進製造工廠及研究實驗室。Exyte 在科克 (Cork) 也設有辦事處,在服務愛爾蘭蒙斯特 (Munster) 地區充滿活力的生物製藥與生命科學產業方面,具有獨特的優勢。
愛爾蘭以其充滿活力的生物製藥產業而受到全球公認,而 Exyte 對於卓越與創新的承諾對於此產業貢獻良多。
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United States
Senior QA QC Inspector - TFS
The Senior QA/QC Inspector located in Indianapolis, IN is responsible for inspections of installed or partially installed process piping systems and monitors the handling of materials in compliance with the site / project quality assurance program.
United States
Senior QA/QC Inspector - TFS
The Senior QA/QC Inspector located in Durham, NC is responsible for inspections of installed or partially installed process piping systems and monitors the handling of materials in compliance with the site / project quality assurance program.
United States
Senior QA/QC Inspector - TFS
The Senior QA/QC Inspector located in Durham, NC is responsible for inspections of installed or partially installed process piping systems and monitors the handling of materials in compliance with the site / project quality assurance program.

United States
QA/QC Inspector - TFS
The QA/QC Inspector located in Malta, NY is responsible for inspections of installed or partially installed process piping systems, and monitors the handling of materials in compliance with the construction site / project quality assurance program.
United States
Senior QA QC Inspector - TFS
The Senior QA/QC Inspector located in Indianapolis, IN is responsible for inspections of installed or partially installed process piping systems and monitors the handling of materials in compliance with the site / project quality assurance program.

打造高科技設施需要結合專業技能、豐富經驗和尖端工具。在 Exyte,我們的工程師會對客戶的需求和目標進行仔細分析,確保每一方面都得到考慮。這包括考慮可行性、永續性、位置策略以及風險評估的總體規劃。這種詳細的方法可確保建立穩固的設施基礎,即使是最複雜的專案也能成功。憑藉我們的專業知識,我們努力超越期望,提供創新的解決方案,推動各行各業的進步和發展。


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