Black and white photo from the 1910s showing employees working on a piece of air extraction equipment


Karl Meissner and Paul Wurst (“M+W”) found the company in Stuttgart, Germany, filing their first patent for a wood chip extractor.



M+W Group becomes a leading supplier of HVAC systems, a pioneer in cleanroom technology and an equipment supplier for the semiconductor, pharma, R&D and energy industries.

Semiconductor facility from the outside with three flag poles in front of the builing


We supplied all airflow equipment for the largest nuclear power station of its time in Germany.


Our semiconductor facility in Taiwan marks a milestone for Advanced Technology Facilities as its first large project in Asia.


1987: 75-year anniversary with sales of 75 million Euro 

Aerial view of a large finished building, one of many Exyte project sites of the 2000s


We were named the lead contractor for various semiconductor projects in what was known as “Silicon Saxony” in Germany. We also signed our first major contract for a largescale flat panel display production facility in Taiwan, while continuing to develop a strong presence in the United States and China.


1994: M+W becomes part of Jenoptik AG, Jena, Germany


1998: Merger with Zander Klimatechnik to form M+W Zander



Set up of new segments, such as Pharmaceutical & Health, Photovoltaics, Science & Research and Data Centers


2001: Acquisition of Lang und Peitler (automation business)

2008: M+W acquired by Stumpf Group; order intake of 1.3 billion Euro


Aerial view of a wafer fab from the outside perspective


Global expansion and major EPC contracts worldwide, such as biotechnology and pharmaceutical projects in Europe or large semiconductor and flat panel projects in Asia and the United States.


2010: Facility Management Zander was sold.


2012: M+W Group celebrates the 100-year anniversary and storied history as a leading global engineering services and construction company with a jubilee for clients and employees.


Exyte logo


The core activities of M+W Group are transformed into a new company. The company’s brand name is updated to “Exyte” to reflect the new forward-thinking strategy.

Aerial view of an Exyte project site of a large semiconductor project in Asia


Exyte heralds the next phase in its success story. On the "Pathway to Ten" the company wants to achieve sales of 10 billion euro by latest 2027. To this end, the “Next Level” future agenda is initiated. 



Exyte exceeds all expectations. Incoming orders, sales and earnings reach record levels. Blue chip companies around the world trust Exyte with their most important investments.