Exyte Nordeuropa

Exyte Northern Europe Limited

Einheit J3, Maynooth Business Campus, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, W23 AZW4, Irland

Registriernummer: 391979

Ort der Registrierung: Irland

Büro Cork

Exyte Northern Europe Ltd.

Euro House / Euro Business Park

Kleine Insel

Co. Cork, T45 K857


Entdecken Sie unsere aktuellsten Stellenangebote:

United States

Senior QA QC Inspector - TFS

The Senior QA/QC Inspector located in Indianapolis, IN is responsible for inspections of installed or partially installed process piping systems and monitors the handling of materials in compliance with the site / project quality assurance program.

United States

Senior QA/QC Inspector - TFS

The Senior QA/QC Inspector located in Durham, NC is responsible for inspections of installed or partially installed process piping systems and monitors the handling of materials in compliance with the site / project quality assurance program.

United States

QA/QC Inspector - TFS

The QA/QC Inspector located in Malta, NY is responsible for inspections of installed or partially installed process piping systems, and monitors the handling of materials in compliance with the construction site / project quality assurance program.  


Two female Exyte engineers communicate over a document
Beratung und Planung

Kompetente Technik für den Erfolg moderner Anlagen

A man works in a computer program on the design of a facility
Technik und Design

Planung von Hightech-Fabriken für Spitzenleistungen

Lab technician working on a large stainless steel tank
Inbetriebnahme, Qualifizierung und Validierung
Inbetriebnahme, Qualifizierung und Validierung

Beschleunigte Fertigung beginnt mit Exyte

Ausrüstung und Installationsdienste

Maßgeschneiderte Hightech-Ausrüstung für die Präzisionsfertigung

Exyte employees on a project site studying a construction plan
Projekt- und Baumanagement

Rationalisierte Projektdurchführung für den Erfolg